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CPC Speaks Video Podcast: A Candid Conversation with Rashidah Cartwright creator of the "Autism for Badass Moms" podcast

In this episode Rashidah Cartwright, LCADC, CCS, creator of the "Autism for Badass Moms" podcast, discussed her motivation for launching the podcast, focusing on the emotional journey such moms undergo. A mom to two children with autism herself, Rashidah shared her personal experiences, including the difficulties and the highs and lows of navigating through their world. She further highlighted the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and seeking help, emphasizing that it's okay to be vulnerable. Her aim with the podcast is to empower other moms, providing them with a safe space to relate their emotional journeys, and assure them that they're not alone. Looking to the future, Rashidah plans to expand the reach of her podcast globally and is working towards setting up conferences and advocating for autism moms to create their own narratives and platforms to share their stories. Visit, Autism for Badass Moms:

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