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CPC's Impact is Stronger Than Ever

The National Council for Mental Wellbeing recently released their comprehensive report on the positive impact of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHC) across the country. You can download and read the full report below.

As one of the original CCBHC's in New Jersey, we are particularly proud to be innovators in our community, and we know that our work is changing the way individuals seeking treatment are cared for, and improving outcomes overall. We are proud to be closing the treatment gap that has left individuals in our community with unmet mental health and substance use needs by bringing thousands of new clients into our care each year. As a CCBHC we are helping people receive the healthcare they need while reducing unnecessary emergency room visits & hospitalizations, and keeping clients engaged members of their community.

CPC has recently been awarded a CCBHC Expansion Grant from SAMHSA (Substance Use and Mental Health Service Administration) and we are thrilled to continue our work in the years ahead.

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